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There are some things you must know about the Arabic word 'dua', which is Arabic for 'prayer'. Dua is one of the prayers in Islam that all Muslims must perform, it has two parts; salat al-dua and salat al-fard. The most important part of dua is the salat al-dua, which is saying praises to Allah for His blessings. Salat al-dua is basically a prayer made up of repeated and short prayers such as 'Allahu Akbar', 'Subhanallah 'Lah'.

This prayer is the main point of learning how to pronounce dua correctly. Salat al-dua is the one prayer that can determine your future.

Words can be heard in dua, like you can hear them with the help of the radio or television. Words will only make things easier if you know what they mean. We learn languages by using them, and when we are praying dua we should use these words in a proper way.

There are some words that are used in the Quran that can be heard in dua. For example, you will find the words as, 'alhamdulillah' and aswad, and these are all different names of God.

For example, in the dua, we will pray for someone, but in dua, we should not make a comparison between yourself and the person. If you make this mistake, then you will be considered to be a kafir, or an infidel.

You must learn the meanings of these words, and this is because you will be using these words in an everyday conversation. You have to be aware of the difference between words that are common words.

For example, the word 'farda' is one of the words that is used in the Quran to curse or scold someone. If you see someone getting angry then you should act accordingly and you should not react to their anger.

Dua will become difficult if you try to use your tongue in communicating with someone. If you are unable to do so, then you should learn how to read and write, but this is not compulsory. To get rid of dua, then you should try to immerse yourself in learning and doing the Quran.